WindCube Scan Wind Energy Edition Complete, spatial wind data at any stage of a wind project – onshore and offshore, in all types of environments. Powerful & trusted Powerful & trusted Wind farms are evolving to include larger turbines, increased heights, and denser installations. WindCube® Scan Wind Energy Edition supports this evolution, providing complete, spatial wind data at any stage of a wind project. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE 360° wind data at your fingertips 360° wind data at your fingertips WindCube Scan Wind Energy Edition provides full 3D scanning at a range of 18+km, as well as multiple scanning patterns suitable for a variety of campaign types. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE Unbeatable flexibility Unbeatable flexibility WindCube Scan Wind Energy Edition can be deployed quickly, without the permitting or construction hurdles of met masts. It can also be moved and repurposed indefinitely. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE Crucial performance factors Crucial performance factors Image WindCube Scan Wind Energy Edition accurately measures wake and blockage effects, as well as other factors that affect long-term energy production. Developers and operators can finally assess these factors anywhere they need to, whenever they need to. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE Two ways to learn how lidar is becoming standard for WRA eBook: WRA is a make-or-break point for any wind farm project, onshore or offshore. Here’s where the technology stands today, presented by industry experts from Deutsche WindGuard® and Vaisala.Webinar: Watch now for a discussion about the current practices and acceptance of ground-based lidar for Wind Resource Assessment. You’ll hear what have others learned through experience, and how can you use their guidance to help ensure your success. DOWNLOAD EBOOK WATCH THE WEBINAR WindCube Scan Dual Lidar Ready As scanning lidar expands in offshore-from-the-shore Wind Resource Assessment (WRA), the quest for ever-greater certainty is also growing.Introducing our WindCube Scan Dual Lidar Ready offering: This innovative approach to WRA provides an even more comprehensive picture of the wind resource profiles by observing an offshore location from several positions. LEARN MORE Scanning Lidar in Wind Energy: Key Applications and Benefits This detailed ebook explains the principles and key applications of scanning lidar — and shows why it's becoming the new secret weapon in the quest for certainty. Download eBook Resources BROCHURE Pioneering the gold standard in science, innovation and support Today WindCube lidars are backed by the best science and metrology and validated by the most demanding testing and certifications in the industry. LEARN MORE PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT Long-range, flexible wind data Gain insights on how WindCube Scan Wind Energy Edition provides accurate 3D wind mapping and wake analysis at any stage of your project. DOWNLOAD PDF BROCHURE Dual Lidar Ready Learn about the groundbreaking innovation providing unprecedented wind profile coverage and accuracy for offshore campaigns — from the shoreline or fixed platforms. DOWNLOAD PDF INFOGRAPHIC Scanning lidar for wind energy Discover how scanning lidar can make certainty your most valuable resource. DOWNLOAD PDF EBOOK Scanning lidar: Improving WRA from every angle Enhancing Wind Resource Assessments in any phase – offshore and onshore. DOWNLOAD EBOOK SCIENCE DIGEST 2023 WindCube scientific digest Take advantage of the latest research and deepen your understanding of WindCube lidar technology with presentations created by Vaisala scientists and other wind energy experts. LEARN MORE EBOOK Onshore, offshore, worldwide How lidar is raising the bar for today's wind measurement campaigns. DOWNLOAD EBOOK Webinars WEBINAR See the discussion about the current practices and acceptance of ground-based lidar for WRA. ACCESS WEBINAR WEBINAR How lidars are supporting wind industry innovations Lidar in wind energy is already widely used in all phases of a wind project. But what are some new, emerging use cases for lidar? Join us to learn how these versatile remote sensing solutions are being used in new and innovative ways. ACCESS WEBINAR WEBINAR Use cases for scanning lidar Discover how remote sensing using lidars have entered the mainstream in wind energy. ACCESS WEBINAR Videos VIDEO Dual scanning lidar Introducing our WindCube Scan Dual Lidar Ready offering: this innovative approach to WRA provides an even more comprehensive picture of the wind resource profiles by observing an offshore location from several positions. WATCH VIDEO VIDEO Vaisala Dual Scanning Lidar for WRA Everything depends on your initial resource assessment, so get the complete picture with modern lidar solutions. WATCH VIDEO Technical Presentations PRESENTATION Dual lidar Learn how Dual lidar is a cost-efficient and operational solution for offshore Wind Resource Assessments. DOWNLOAD PDF Industry Applications WindCube Scan General Information Discover why WindCube Scan is the wind lidar of choice for onshore and offshore wind measurement and full, 3D spatial awareness. LEARN MORE Aviation Applications WindCube Scan’s incredible accuracy, flexibility, and integration have made aviation safer from windshear and other factors. LEARN MORE Maritime Applications WindCube Scan is taking maritime into a new era of informed, highly efficient operations. LEARN MORE Meteorology Applications Meteorology proves how a multi-use, valuable tool like WindCube Scan can serve science, improve agency performance, and protect lives. LEARN MORE Urban & Industrial Systems Applications No other scanning lidar is as trusted for emerging and established urban and industrial projects. LEARN MORE Success Stories Wind Resource Assessment offshore from the shore in Japan How Green Power Investment leveraged WindCube Scan Dual Lidar to efficiently measure the full wind profile for a competitive new project. DOWNLOAD PDF Reducing uncertainty, reducing costs Creating a strategic offshore wind resource assessment (WRA) campaign with scanning lidar. DOWNLOAD PDF Expanding and improving offshore wind research How Centrale Nantes uses WindCube® Scan lidar to research and optimize floating wind turbines offshore. DOWNLOAD PDF It's Time to Take Wind Energy Ever Higher Vaisala is ready to talk about your wind project and how we can make it better. Contact us today. We’ll give your project the fresh air it needs. CONTACT US