viewLinc Monitoring, Alarming and Reporting Software Continuous monitoring for temperature, humidity and other parametersThe viewLinc Enterprise Server software monitors temperature, relative humidity, CO2, differential pressure, level, door switches, and more, offering low cost of ownership due to easy connectivity to your existing network, remote access, and scalability up to thousands of monitored locations. Multi-site monitoring is simple, global systems can be run off a single server location.For non-GxP applications, please see Jade Monitoring System. Contact us Datasheet viewLinc Brochure viewLinc software As the software component of the Vaisala environmental monitoring system, viewLinc provides alarming, real-time trend data, and reports for compliance with GxP regulations. With Vaisala's industry-best sensors, viewLinc monitors temperature, relative humidity, CO2, differential pressure, door switches. viewLinc also supports Modbus transmitters, allowing you to incorporate unlimited parameters into viewLinc: particle counters, flow and liquid measurements, and other sensors.Ideal for multi-site and parameter monitoring, with a capacity of thousands of locations, viewLinc is used in diverse environmental monitoring applications. The software combines an easy-to-use Web-based interface with highly accurate devices that can be networked by any combination of connectivity options: Ethernet, PoE, Wi-Fi, or Vaisala's proprietary long-range wireless technology VaiNet. See what's new in viewLinc 5.2 View the data logger selection guide What Customers Say: “After years of working with the system, generating the kind of reports that make auditors happy, we’ve found Vaisala’s viewLinc monitoring system to be bullet-proof.” - Timothy Phelps, Facilities Engineering Manager - Specialty Distribution Features Do-it-Yourself deployment, intuitive user interface, and self-configuring loggersFlexible connectivity with long range VaiNet wireless technology, PoE, wired, or Wi-Fi optionsAlarm notifications by email, SMS, voice calls, lights, sirens and relays to external systemsGap-free data with secure audit trail for GxP complianceActive Directory integration allows administrators to efficiently manage viewLinc users.Optional compliance tools: IQOQ protocols and GxP documentationviewLinc runs parallel to control systems, allowing for fast, simple validationReports are delivered automatically by email and saved to the secure serverConfigurable reports: time-zone based, space for annotation, and Min./Max./Avg. values, user-selectable color and line featuresLive multiple-channel trend display for on-demand analysis of conditions over timeUse OPC UA or API to integrate viewLinc data with other systemsSupport plan includes warranties and calibration plans for sensors, software upgrades, technical support and user trainingLocalized versions: English, German, French, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and KoreanVaisala supports our hardware through the lifetime of your viewLinc system. Key benefits User friendly software, real-time data & alarming Secure web-access to real-time trends and graphical overviews of all monitored locations. viewLinc's learn-as-you-use interface guides you through tasks and functions. Tours introduce you to common features, saving time and levelling the software learning curve. Drill down into monitored areas in a dashboard view to see data for your devices over any time period. Receive alerts on monitored environments through email, SMS, voice calls and alarm towers. Data integrity ensured viewLinc preserves data integrity in many ways. Months of data can be retained in data logger memory, depending on the device model and sample interval. Onboard power and memory in the measurement devices preserve all existing data and ensures measurement continuity during network or power outages. Data is automatically transmitted to the server once connection to the network is restored. Measurement data is then saved to a secure, tamper-proof database on the server. Easy to deploy and use viewLinc 5.2 software and hardware install easily and connect to an existing network via a combination of connectivity options, including Ethernet, Power over Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or VaiNet - Vaisala's long-range wireless technology. Monitoring devices self-identify within the software and come with simple configuration templates. Interface tours guide users through common tasks, providing onscreen guidance and embedded tooltips provide immediate user assistance. Product documentation Datasheets User guides Order Form Technical notes More in More downloads Manual: viewLinc Connectivity Guide (132.8 KB) Customer case: AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Continuous Monitoring System (1.5 MB) Regulatory Compliance Information: Using GAMP5 methods to validate your continuous monitoring system software (1020.92 KB) Software and Drivers: USB Logger Cable Drivers Order Form: viewLinc 5.1 Order Guide Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Next page ›› Product Resources Video Animation on viewLinc with VaiNet wireless Technology Watch a brief animation on viewLinc with VaiNet wireless Technology Watch on YouTube Webinar Audit-proof your GxP environmental monitoring system The key takeaways from this webinar gives you a simple checklist for maintaining compliance in environmental monitoring applications. We also review several Warning Letters that demonstrate what inspectors and auditors are looking for. Learn more Webinar GxP-Compliant calibration: learning from form 483s and warning letters In this webinar we briefly outline the practices, processes and regulations governing calibration in GxP-regulated applications. We also analyze several calibration-related Form 483s and Warning Letters issued over the last few years in a range of regulated industries Learn more Customer case LSNE (a PCI Pharma Company) leverages digitization to ensure quality, compliance, and data integrity Among an array of contract manufacturing services, LSNE specializes in cGMP aseptic fill-finish and scaling lyophilization applications. Learn more Customer case Endless monitoring applications at Lonza Houston’s cell & gene therapy facility Swiss drug manufacturer Lonza Ltd. is a leading global supplier of contract manufacturing services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Learn more Customer case Laboratory monitoring system safeguards HIV/AIDS vaccines Medicines, vaccines and active ingredients for drug manufacturing are sensitive to temperature; their chemical properties can change in different conditions, especially temperature and humidity. Learn more Webinar Mapping made easy: where to place sensors & why This webinar will provide 5 simple rules for mapping studies to effectively determine sensor placement. Senior Regulatory Expert, Paul Daniel, will review the regulations and industry guidance on mapping along with discussing a validation method to reduce the total number of sensors required while maintaining your study’s defensibility under audit. Learn more Related Products & Applications viewLinc Continuous Monitoring System Wireless Monitoring System with VaiNet Technology vLog Validation mapping kit Continuous Monitoring System Services
Manual: viewLinc Connectivity Guide (132.8 KB) Customer case: AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Continuous Monitoring System (1.5 MB) Regulatory Compliance Information: Using GAMP5 methods to validate your continuous monitoring system software (1020.92 KB) Software and Drivers: USB Logger Cable Drivers Order Form: viewLinc 5.1 Order Guide Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Next page ››