Power modern surface weather networks with Vaisala’s new Automatic Weather Station Meteorology Weather & Environment Learn how meteorological agencies can power modern surface weather networks Take a generational leap in providing first-class surface weather observations with modern, highly efficient, and secure surface weather networks over a long lifespan. Join us for an informative webinar where an expert panel will discuss the requirements for consistent high-quality data from surface weather observations, and how Vaisala’s new Automatic Weather Station AWS810 enables secure, and integrated network architecture, that makes modern observation networks easy to create, manage and maintain. Webinar topics and key takeaways: • See how gaps in observational data coverage currently limit our ability to understand and predict global weather and climate patterns. • Learn how the unique capabilities of AWS810 can power the modern surface weather networks Who should attend: Meteorological organizations, weather forecasting agencies, and anyone else interested in the development of surface weather observations and anyone interested in tracking weather for their community. Register now for an immediate access.
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