LiveCast: How to leverage scanning lidar to increase measurement accuracy and project bankability Weather & Environment Wind and Solar Energy
Take your wind energy business farther. Join us as we discuss the incredible versatility of long-range 3D scanning lidar for accurate wind measurement – onshore and offshore. Our experts will: Review the unique capabilities of scanning lidar technology Reveal the many use cases and examples scanning lidar – onshore and offshore Discuss how dual scanning lidar provides accurate onshore measurement in complex terrains Provide a summary of the soon-to-be published guidelines for using dual scanning lidar for offshore Wind Resource Assessment Don’t miss this opportunity for wind energy developers to learn how scanning lidar technology — for both onshore and offshore projects — can increase certainty, reduce risk and improve bankability of your wind projects. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED FOR THIS WEBINAR, PLEASE USE THIS LINK. See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here
Featured livecast speakers: Darshan Sathiyanarayanan Application Manager, Wind Energy, Vaisala Darshan Sathiyanarayanan works as an Application Manager in Vaisala’s wind Lidar data processing team. Darshan’s main focus is to value the high potential of the powerful Doppler wind Lidar technology to harness new business possibilities. He holds an M.Sc. in Fluid Dynamics and is actively exploring the challenges he can tackle with the usage of Vaisala’s industry leading Lidar technology. LINKEDIN Robert Menke Senior Engineer - Energy Systems, DNV Robert, a Senior Engineer at DNV's Wind & Turbine Testing section, specializes in scanning lidar initiatives. His primary focus lies in measurement uncertainty assessments, device verification, and measurement campaign design and implementation. In total, he has over 8 years of experience in the field of lidar measurements, encompassing diverse projects, including his Ph.D. research focused on employing scanning lidar. LINKEDIN
Darshan Sathiyanarayanan Application Manager, Wind Energy, Vaisala Darshan Sathiyanarayanan works as an Application Manager in Vaisala’s wind Lidar data processing team. Darshan’s main focus is to value the high potential of the powerful Doppler wind Lidar technology to harness new business possibilities. He holds an M.Sc. in Fluid Dynamics and is actively exploring the challenges he can tackle with the usage of Vaisala’s industry leading Lidar technology. LINKEDIN
Robert Menke Senior Engineer - Energy Systems, DNV Robert, a Senior Engineer at DNV's Wind & Turbine Testing section, specializes in scanning lidar initiatives. His primary focus lies in measurement uncertainty assessments, device verification, and measurement campaign design and implementation. In total, he has over 8 years of experience in the field of lidar measurements, encompassing diverse projects, including his Ph.D. research focused on employing scanning lidar. LINKEDIN