Petrochemical air quality and weather solutions

Proactive steps for petrochemical plants with Vaisala

Petrochemicals are essential as demand rises for the synthetic products we use every day — from medicines to wind turbines. The plants that produce these important petrochemicals operate around the clock, and weather can impact production and human safety.

For example:

  • Wind speeds of 30 mph and higher can cause cranes to sideload
  • Lightning within an 8 km radius may prompt a plant to shut down temporarily for safety concerns

Vaisala’s weather and environmental monitoring solutions empower decision-makers with accurate information about current and upcoming conditions. With the full measure of weather intelligence, petrochemical plants can take proactive steps to avoid worker safety risks, mitigate weather-induced fire hazards, and communicate effectively with local communities.

Urban and industrial systems - petrochemical plant

Put weather intelligence to work for you

Ready to see how Vaisala’s sensing technology can help solve petrochemical production and safety challenges? We’re here to help! Please contact us and our industry experts will be in touch quickly to discuss your weather and environmental monitoring challenges.