Use of Mobile Online DGA for Gassing Alarm Response and Analysis

AES Indiana Vaisala OPT100 Mobile
United States
Power Generation and Transmission


Using oil sampling or a single gas monitor, you identify a problematic transformer.  What happens next? 

The use of a Mobile Online DGA solution, like the OPT100 Mobile, allows substation managers to make data-driven decisions quickly.  With the ability to deploy in under 2 hours, AES Indiana implemented the OPT100 Mobile in response to lab-based gas results and alarms requiring further analysis.

This case study is an in-depth analysis, not yet seen, of AES Indiana's decision process and the outcomes from the installation of a mobile online gas-in-oil monitor. See how the AES maintenance team was able to decide if the identified issue was an ongoing fault or was it gassing due to separate isolated events that were not ongoing. 

Key Take Aways: 

  • The use of mobile online DGA for cost-effective deep analysis on questionable gassing transformers
  • Validation of the cost-benefit of a Mobile solution 
  • Analysis from online monitoring 

Discover how AES Indiana's Reliability and Performance Engineer and Vaisala's Regional Business Manager came up with a solution.