Using online DGA to safeguard a transformer's end-of-life operation

Vaisala’s Optimus™ DGA Monitor OPT100 for advanced dissolved gas analysis with total gas pressure method, detecting air leaks in transformers.
United States
Power Generation and Transmission

The following case study explores the detection of severe faults and the overall monitoring process and procedure during an old transformer's final months in service - it's end-of-life (EOL). 


Interested in making timely decisions on the technical life and current condition of your transformers especially those nearing end-of-life?

Having a full understanding of what is occurring inside your transformer can prioritize keeping your staff safe while making critical financial decisions.

This case study explores the detection of severe faults and the overall monitoring process and procedure during an old transformer’s final months in service – its end-of-life. The study demonstrates how a utility was able to use Vaisala’s online DGA monitor to help systematically monitor, then remove and replace the transformer before it experienced any major operational failures or expose staff to safety risk.

Additionally, the case provides insight into how important keeping a transformer performing well through its end-of-life is, proving the return on investment from an online DGA monitor.

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