Image Service Lifecycle agreements for weather applications Life cycle agreements are available for various weather applications, for both new products and...
Image Palvelu Vaisala K-PATENTS® SAFE-DRIVE ‑prosessirefraktometrin PR-23-SD turvallisen käytön koulutus SAFE-DRIVE-prosessirefraktometrejä käytetään sulfaattisellutehtaiden linjastossa kuiva-aineiden...
event 6th Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare 15.10.2024—15.10.2024 The 6th Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare is a one-day conference of cross-sectoral...
webinar Controlling NMP in rechargeable battery manufacturing 20.11.2024 This webinar focuses on optimizing lithium-ion battery production by controlling the costly and...
event Join Vaisala at Energaïa 2024 11.12.2024—12.12.2024 Smarter at every stage: End-to-end weather and environmental solutions for solar energy Vaisala...
blog Harnessing weather technology to support the wind-assisted ship (WASP) market 1.10.2024 In the maritime industry, wind-assisted ship propulsion (WASP) is rapidly emerging as a key solution...
news Vaisala and Estonian Environment Agency install Europe’s first high-performance C-band SSPA weather radar 25.9.2024 Vaisala’s solid-state power amplifier transmitter technology promises improved severe weather...
release Vaisala transforms weather-based decision-making for renewable energy industry with launch of Vaisala Compass 24.9.2024 Vaisala Compass enables enhanced project insights and management with thorough wind, solar, and...
Image general page Johtoryhmä 24.4.2024 Hallitus nimittää toimitusjohtajan. Toimitusjohtajan tehtävänä on hoitaa yhtiön juoksevaa hallintoa.
Image general page Hallitus 30.4.2024 Hallitus vastaa Vaisalan hallinnosta ja toiminnan asianmukaisesta järjestämisestä.