脱炭素化における計測パートナー 二酸化炭素の回収、利用、貯留のための独自のソリューション CCUS計測における信頼のパートナー ヴァイサラは、世界中の脱炭素化への一歩一歩を支援しています。ビルや各種建造物の建設におけるCCSソリューションから廃棄物リサイクル、カーボンニュートラルなエネルギー生産まで、私たちはお客様が重点分野に集中できるような計測機器とインテリジェンスを提供しています。 最高水準の信頼性を有する測定データに基づくより良い情報に従って意思決定を行う - それがヴァイサラがCCUSソリューションにもたらすものです。 Credit: Hufton+Crow 1 排出源からの CO2回収 2 大気からの直接CO2回収(DAC) 3 回収二酸化炭素の活用(CCU) 4 コンクリートへのCO2貯留 排出源からのCO2回収 発電所や工場の排気ガスから建設に至る排出源が、CO2排出の主要因です。しかし、ヴァイサラの計測機器とインテリジェンスをご活用いただくことで、カーボンニュートラル、さらにはカーボンネガティブの未来すらも可能になります。ヴァイサラの数十年にわたるCO2計測の経験は、すでに世界中のCO2回収、利用、貯蔵のモニタリングに活かされています。 大気からの直接回収(DAC)のモニタリング ネガティブエミッション技術は大きな盛り上がりを見せています。物理的、化学的プロセスのいずれか、または両方によって大気からCO2を除去するには、施設での慎重で確実なモニタリングが必要です。ヴァイサラは、世界で最も信頼性の高いCO2モニタリング装置を開発するための研究開発能力と数十年にわたる経験を有しています。 バイオメタン(RNG)&バイオガス 化石ベースのガス経済からグリーンガスの未来へのシフトは、バイオメタン(RNG)によって推進されています。有機廃棄物の嫌気性消化 - 農場、都市、さらには水処理施設からのもの - は、バイオガスを生産し、それが燃料グレードのバイオメタン(RNG)にアップグレードされます。受賞歴のあるヴァイサラの計測機器は、嫌気性消化(AD)からアップグレード、最終的な暖房やエネルギー源としての使用に至るまでの各ステップを監視するために使用されます。 コンクリート業界の脱炭素化 コンクリート業界は世界的にも最大のCO2排出源の1つとして挙げられます。コンクリートにおけるCO2の利用と貯蔵は、業界全体の脱炭素化を達成するための最も有望な解決策のひとつです。私たちは、コンクリート養生プロセスにおけるCO2濃度の監視と制御、そして相対湿度と温度に対する実証済みのソリューションを提供しています。CO2漏れの検出は、作業者の健康と安全という観点でも不可欠です。 測定可能な大きな成功を 二酸化炭素回収によって 専門家によるコンテンツと導入事例 Webinar Join our expert CCUS webinar Join us for a look behind the acronyms – from CCU to CCS to DAC and beyond – all pointing towards a more sustainable future. Hosted by Antti Viitanen & Julia Salovaara, this webinar covers the full field from the basics to market and industry developments to solutions to opportunities with Vaisala. Register to watch Customer case Soletair Power integrates Vaisala’s sensors into their groundbreaking building-integrated carbon capture technology Soletair Power’s unique solution for extracting CO2 from air is a key building block in several carbon net zero and negative building projects. Learn more 導入事例 廃棄物発電プラントで実証された脱炭素技術 デンマークの研究者は、廃棄物焼却炉の排出ガスから大部分の二酸化炭素(CO2)を除去することが可能であると実証しました。 続きを読む eBook 6 strategies to optimize your Biomethane / RNG production This eBook is a practical, highly valuable source to plant manufacturers, plant operators and decision-makers alike – anyone looking to make their upgrading operation smarter and smoother. Learn more Intelligent instruments for CCUS applications Methane and Carbon Dioxide Multigas Probe MGP262 Stop the loss. The Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP262 continuously measures the methane concentration in offgas from your biogas upgrading unit to keep you from letting your profits go up in the air. 続きを読む Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity Multigas Probe MGP261 Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP261 Multigas Probe for Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity helps in improving your process and in protecting the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine. 続きを読む CO₂ Probe GMP251 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP251 is an intelligent, stand-alone, %-level probe for measuring CO2 in life science incubators, cold storage facilities, fruit and vegetable transportation, and in all demanding applications where stable and accurate percentage-level CO2 measurements are needed. 続きを読む CO₂ Probe GMP343 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP343 is an accurate and rugged probe-type instrument for ecological measurements. Typical applications include CO 2 soil respiration, ambient CO 2 monitoring, plant growth chambers, and OEM applications. 続きを読む CO₂ Probe GMP252 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP252 is an intelligent, stand-alone, ppm-level probe. It's intended for measuring CO2 in agriculture, refrigeration, greenhouses, demanding HVAC applications, and for plant growth chamber manufacturers. 続きを読む Vaisala Polaris™ PR53GP Process Refractometer Measure concentrations of sugars/Brix, acids, alkaline solutions, alcohols, hydrocarbons, solvents, and various other solutions directly in pipeline and tanks, in production transport and quality control in sugar, chemical, petrochemical, and other industries. 続きを読む Duct CO2 Transmitter GMD110 The duct-mounted high-accuracy transmitter GMD110 is designed to measure carbon dioxide in demanding HVAC applications. 続きを読む Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 is designed for applications which involve constant high humidity or rapid changes in humidity 続きを読む Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 is a general-purpose probe designed for processes with moderate humidity and temperature levels. 続きを読む Temperature Probe TMP1 Vaisala Temperature Probe TMP1 is designed for demanding temperature measurements in industrial applications such as pharmaceutical industry and calibration laboratories, where accuracy and robustness are essential. 続きを読む Indigo500 Series Transmitters The Vaisala Indigo500 series transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes. The Indigo500 series include multi-functional Indigo520 transmitter and Indigo510 transmitter with basic features. 続きを読む 詳細はお問い合わせください お問い合わせ
Intelligent instruments for CCUS applications Methane and Carbon Dioxide Multigas Probe MGP262 Stop the loss. The Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP262 continuously measures the methane concentration in offgas from your biogas upgrading unit to keep you from letting your profits go up in the air. 続きを読む Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity Multigas Probe MGP261 Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP261 Multigas Probe for Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity helps in improving your process and in protecting the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine. 続きを読む CO₂ Probe GMP251 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP251 is an intelligent, stand-alone, %-level probe for measuring CO2 in life science incubators, cold storage facilities, fruit and vegetable transportation, and in all demanding applications where stable and accurate percentage-level CO2 measurements are needed. 続きを読む CO₂ Probe GMP343 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP343 is an accurate and rugged probe-type instrument for ecological measurements. Typical applications include CO 2 soil respiration, ambient CO 2 monitoring, plant growth chambers, and OEM applications. 続きを読む CO₂ Probe GMP252 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP252 is an intelligent, stand-alone, ppm-level probe. It's intended for measuring CO2 in agriculture, refrigeration, greenhouses, demanding HVAC applications, and for plant growth chamber manufacturers. 続きを読む Vaisala Polaris™ PR53GP Process Refractometer Measure concentrations of sugars/Brix, acids, alkaline solutions, alcohols, hydrocarbons, solvents, and various other solutions directly in pipeline and tanks, in production transport and quality control in sugar, chemical, petrochemical, and other industries. 続きを読む Duct CO2 Transmitter GMD110 The duct-mounted high-accuracy transmitter GMD110 is designed to measure carbon dioxide in demanding HVAC applications. 続きを読む Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 is designed for applications which involve constant high humidity or rapid changes in humidity 続きを読む Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 is a general-purpose probe designed for processes with moderate humidity and temperature levels. 続きを読む Temperature Probe TMP1 Vaisala Temperature Probe TMP1 is designed for demanding temperature measurements in industrial applications such as pharmaceutical industry and calibration laboratories, where accuracy and robustness are essential. 続きを読む Indigo500 Series Transmitters The Vaisala Indigo500 series transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes. The Indigo500 series include multi-functional Indigo520 transmitter and Indigo510 transmitter with basic features. 続きを読む
Methane and Carbon Dioxide Multigas Probe MGP262 Stop the loss. The Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP262 continuously measures the methane concentration in offgas from your biogas upgrading unit to keep you from letting your profits go up in the air. 続きを読む
Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity Multigas Probe MGP261 Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP261 Multigas Probe for Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity helps in improving your process and in protecting the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine. 続きを読む
CO₂ Probe GMP251 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP251 is an intelligent, stand-alone, %-level probe for measuring CO2 in life science incubators, cold storage facilities, fruit and vegetable transportation, and in all demanding applications where stable and accurate percentage-level CO2 measurements are needed. 続きを読む
CO₂ Probe GMP343 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP343 is an accurate and rugged probe-type instrument for ecological measurements. Typical applications include CO 2 soil respiration, ambient CO 2 monitoring, plant growth chambers, and OEM applications. 続きを読む
CO₂ Probe GMP252 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP252 is an intelligent, stand-alone, ppm-level probe. It's intended for measuring CO2 in agriculture, refrigeration, greenhouses, demanding HVAC applications, and for plant growth chamber manufacturers. 続きを読む
Vaisala Polaris™ PR53GP Process Refractometer Measure concentrations of sugars/Brix, acids, alkaline solutions, alcohols, hydrocarbons, solvents, and various other solutions directly in pipeline and tanks, in production transport and quality control in sugar, chemical, petrochemical, and other industries. 続きを読む
Duct CO2 Transmitter GMD110 The duct-mounted high-accuracy transmitter GMD110 is designed to measure carbon dioxide in demanding HVAC applications. 続きを読む
Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP7 is designed for applications which involve constant high humidity or rapid changes in humidity 続きを読む
Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 is a general-purpose probe designed for processes with moderate humidity and temperature levels. 続きを読む
Temperature Probe TMP1 Vaisala Temperature Probe TMP1 is designed for demanding temperature measurements in industrial applications such as pharmaceutical industry and calibration laboratories, where accuracy and robustness are essential. 続きを読む
Indigo500 Series Transmitters The Vaisala Indigo500 series transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes. The Indigo500 series include multi-functional Indigo520 transmitter and Indigo510 transmitter with basic features. 続きを読む