Image Digital Observation Network Manager NM10 Consolidate data, monitoring, and control of all the sites in your weather observation network into...
Image System Offshore and Maritime Environmental Monitoring System Oil, gas, and wind energy maritime operations are safer and more efficient with accurate nowcasting and weather observation insights.
Image Device Road & Runway Surface Condition When operational efficiency and safety are your concern, Vaisala has accurate and reliable road and...
Image Device Wind Set WA15 High-quality cup and vane wind measurement sensors designed for various applications under all...
Image Device Serial Wind Transmitter WAC155 The Serial Wind Transmitter WAC155 converts the digital data supplied by the Vaisala WA15 and WA25...
Image Device Wind Sensors, wind speed measurement Accurate wind measurement is crucial for meteorological modeling and reporting. Vaisala’s precise...
Image Service Services Accuracy. Stability. Support. Keep your instruments at their best with Vaisala services.
Image Device Beam Weather Station BWS500 for hydromet Discover the unique combination of insights for improved local hydrometeorological awareness
Image Instrumentos Refratômetro do processo Vaisala Polaris™ PR53AC Meça o Brix e outras concentrações líquidas com ganhos instantâneos de produtividade e material e...
Image Sistema Sistema de Monitoramento Contínuo Para monitorar temperatura, umidade e entradas analógicas: Ambientes do Guia de boas práticas e...
Image Instrumentos Painel de Instrumento CAB100 O CAB100 foi projetado para monitoramento contínuo e alarmes de instalações e áreas industriais. Os...
Image Serviço Serviços de calibração Calibrações profissionais para seus instrumentos de medição Vaisala. Pedidos e entregas rápidas em...
Image Device AviMet RVR® This Runway Visual Range system improves airport safety and operational capacity with automated RVR...
Image Device Vaisala GroundCast Road Sensor Winter road maintenance professionals need to monitor road conditions and predict surface freezing...
Image Software Kit de mapeamento para validação Ideal para câmaras de estabilidade, refrigeradores, congeladores, incubadoras, depósitos, locais com...
Image Device WindCube wind lidar for maritime Elevate your operations with accurate and reliable wind measurements
Image Device WindCube Scan for Aviation Provides full, 3D wind awareness at long range — giving decision-makers in aviation the data they...
Image Software Software Insight para PC O software Insight para PC da Vaisala permite o acesso rápido às configurações e aos dados das...
Image Sistema Jade Smart Cloud Combinando medições de nível industrial com monitoramento sem fio seguro e confiável, o Vaisala Jade...
Image Device Cirrus Sounding System MW51 for defense applications Portable, secure multisoundings for mission-critical weather forecasts.
Image Device Digital Barometer PTB330 Exceptionally accurate barometric pressure readings with low hysteresis and long-term stability...
Image Device HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP155 Highly accurate, reliable temperature and humidity data in even the harshest environments.
Image Instrumentos Padrão de transferência de pressão barométrica PTB330TS Padrão de transferência de pressão barométrica PTB330TS combina um barômetro digital PTB330 com um...
Image Software Indigo500 software download Software and drivers: Download the latest version of the Indigo500 software. Indigo500-series...
Image Instrumentos Transmissor de umidade e temperatura intrinsecamente seguro da série HMT370EX O HMT370EX intrinsecamente seguro é a solução ideal para uso em áreas perigosas até as zonas 0 e 20.
Image Device Mobile Detector MD30 The Mobile Detector MD30 from Vaisala monitors road conditions, and transmits weather data from snow...
Image Device Wind Energy Wind Resource Assessment Everything depends on your initial resource assessment, so get the complete picture with modern...
Image Instrumentos Ponto de acesso sem fio VaiNet AP10 O ponto de acesso VaiNet AP10 é um dispositivo de hardware de rede sem fio para a tecnologia sem fio...
Image Device Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 When uninterrupted wind speed and direction data are crucial for operations, the Vaisala Ultrasonic...
Image Instrumentos Medições de pressão barométrica com transmissor Indigo520 O transmissor Indigo520 com o módulo de medição de pressão barométrica combinado com uma ou duas...
Image Instrumentos Transmissores da série Indigo500 Os transmissores da série Indigo500 da Vaisala são dispositivos host para sondas inteligentes...
Image Service Accredited ISO/IEC 17025 On-Site Calibration Now available in North America. Vaisala Accredited ISO/IEC 17025 On-Site Calibration Service...
Image Serviço Calibração padrão A calibração padrão Vaisala é a mesma calibração realizada em instrumentos Vaisala novos antes de...
Image Serviço Calibração credenciada A calibração credenciada será a opção certa se o instrumento for usado em setores regulamentados...
Image Service Absolute pressure calibration Pressure measurements are often critical when it comes to the process outcome. Order regular...
Image Service Hydrogen peroxide calibration Vaisala PEROXCAP HPP270 series instruments have leading accuracy and long-term stability. Regular...
Image Service Carbon dioxide calibration Calibration services for Vaisala’s carbon dioxide measurement instruments are often requested due to...
Image Service Dew point calibration We offer both Accredited and Standard Calibration services for dew point as well as Vaisala Indigo80...
Image Service Humidity calibration Regular calibration and maintenance of humidity instruments is recommended for sustainable...
Image Device Vaisala TempCast Road Sensor An easy and affordable way to get road weather measurements from challenging locations.
Image Instrumentos Dispositivo de medição portátil Indigo80 O mais novo integrante da linha Indigo de transmissores e sondas, o Indigo80 é coletor de dados e...