Image Service Accredited ISO/IEC 17025 On-Site Calibration Now available in North America. Vaisala Accredited ISO/IEC 17025 On-Site Calibration Service...
Image Service Standard calibration Vaisala Standard calibration is equal to the calibration performed for new Vaisala instruments...
Image Service Accredited calibration Accredited calibration is a right option if your instrument is used in regulated industries, used as...
Image Service Absolute pressure calibration Pressure measurements are often critical when it comes to the process outcome. Order regular...
Image Service Hydrogen peroxide calibration Vaisala PEROXCAP HPP270 series instruments have leading accuracy and long-term stability. Regular...
Image Service Carbon dioxide calibration Calibration services for Vaisala’s carbon dioxide measurement instruments are often requested due to...
Image Service Dew point calibration We offer both Accredited and Standard Calibration services for dew point as well as Vaisala Indigo80...
Image Service Humidity calibration Regular calibration and maintenance of humidity instruments is recommended for sustainable...
Image Device Vaisala GroundCast Road Sensor Winter road maintenance professionals need to monitor road conditions and predict surface freezing...
Image Device Vaisala TempCast Road Sensor An easy and affordable way to get road weather measurements from challenging locations.
Image System Offshore Wind Measurement The WindCube® series provides single-source solutions for almost any need in offshore development...
Image System Indigo520 설치용 굴절농도계 Vaisala Polaris는 Indigo520L과 결합해 모든 사용자를 위한 강력한 기능을 제공하며 세정 시스템 설치 위치 및 응용 프로그램에 표준 전원을 사용합니다.
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53SD 설치용 굴절농도계 펄프 업계의 공정 최적화, 흑액, 녹액, 브라운스톡 세척 및 기타 섬유 및 화학 복원 라인의 용액 농도
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53W 설치용 굴절농도계 황산, 염산(HCI), 수산화나트륨, 불산과 같은 유독 화학물의 농도를 안전하고 정확하게 측정합니다.
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53M 설치용 굴절농도계 염산(HCI), 수산화나트륨, 염화나트륨, 황산, 불산과 같은 유독 화학물의 농도를 안전하고 정확하게 측정합니다.
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53GP 설치용 굴절농도계 파이프라인 및 탱크, 제품 운송, 제당, 화학, 석유 화학 및 다른 산업의 품질 관리에서 직접 당/브릭스, 산, 염기 용액, 알코올, 탄화수소, 용매 및 다른 용액의 농도를...
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53GC 설치용 굴절농도계 파이프라인, 제품 운송, 화학 및 다른 산업의 품질 관리 분야에서 직접 산, 염기 용액, 알코올, 탄화수소, 용매 및 다른 용액의 농도를 측정합니다.
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53AP 설치용 굴절농도계 OEM을 비롯한 식음료 제조를 위한 즉각적인 생산성 및 소재 확보와 간소화된 공정 운영으로 브릭스 및 기타 용액 농도를 측정합니다.
Image Device Vaisala Polaris™ PR53AC 설치용 굴절농도계 식음료와 유제품 및 주류 제조를 위한 즉각적인 생산성 및 소재 확보와 간소화된 공정 운영으로 브릭스 및 기타 용액 농도를 측정합니다.
Image System Jade Smart Cloud Combining industrial-grade measurements with secure and reliable wireless monitoring, Vaisala Jade...
Image Device Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 for maritime applications The Vaisala Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 is designed for the demanding and harsh maritime environment...
Image Device Vaisala Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 for wind turbine control The Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 is purpose-built to bring you exceptional accuracy and long-lasting...
Image Device Vaisala Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 When uninterrupted wind speed and direction data are crucial for operations, the Vaisala Ultrasonic...
Image Device HMP80 HUMICAP® 휴대용 및 온도 측정부 HMPP80은 건조 및 시험 챔버, 연소용 공기, 온습도 측정 성능과 내화학성이 필수적인 기타 환경과 같이 높은 습도나 습도의 빠른 변화가 수반되는 어플리케이션에 적합하도록...
Image Device Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter HM40 Compact, portable, and easy-to-use Vaisala HUMICAP® HM40 handheld humidity meter is designed for...
Image Device Handheld Humidity and Temperature Meter HM70 Vaisala HUMICAP® HM70 Handheld is designed for demanding humidity measurement in spot-checking...
Image Device WindCube Nacelle Power Performance Testing The perfect tool for maximizing energy production and conducting Power Performance Testing (PPT) on...
Image Device Vaisala Beam Weather Station BWS500 Track weather and environmental conditions where it matters most, with true flexibility and ease of...
Image Device Beam Weather Station BWS500 for hydromet Discover the unique combination of insights for improved local hydrometeorological awareness
Image Device VaiNet Wireless Temperature & Humidity Data Logger RFL100 The RFL100 data loggers use Vaisala’s proprietary VaiNet wireless technology to monitor environments...
Image Device Beam Weather Station BWS500 for urban and industrial systems The powerful, flexible, compact solution for weather and environmental intelligence.
Image Device Vaisala Beam Weather Station for Ports Harness the power of real-time wind and weather intelligence for your port operations with an all-in...
Image Service MyVaisala at your service MyVaisala is an online hub that helps you boost your operational efficiency with personalized information that is always at your fingertips.
Image Service Services for liquid measurements Comprehensive customer care covering the entire lifecycle of Vaisala K-PATENTS® refractometers. Our...
Image Device Thunderstorm Local Lightning Sensor TSS928 General Information Localized, reliable lightning detection and tracking for warning systems, airports, and much more.
Image Device Sounding systems & radiosondes Our systems deliver precise atmospheric data and reliably forecast high impact weather in the...
Image Device Wind Energy WindCube Scan WindCube Scan reliably and affordably provides accurate wind mapping and wake analysis for today’s...
Image Device WINDCAP Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WMT700 Accurate wind data even in variable winds, complex terrain, and other challenging conditions.
Image Device VaiNet Wireless Temperature Data Logger RFL100 The RFL series data loggers use Vaisala’s LoRa® based VaiNet wireless technology to monitor...
Image Device VaiNet wireless CO2 data logger RFL100 The RFL series data loggers use Vaisala’s LoRa® based VaiNet wireless technology to monitor CO 2 in...
Image Device Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT101 The PDT101 differential pressure transmitter is designed for demanding applications. There are...
Image Device Indigo500 시리즈 송신기 Vaisala Indigo500 시리즈 송신기는 Vaisala Indigo 호환 독립형 스마트 측정부를 위한 호스트 장치입니다. Indigo500 시리즈는 다기능 Indigo520...
Image Device 기화 과산화수소, 습도 및 온도 측정 HPP270 시리즈 Vaisala (바이살라) PEROXCAP® HPP270 시리즈 과산화수소, 습도 및 온도 측정부는 까다로운 과산화수소 생물 오염 제거용으로 설계되었습니다.
Image Device CO₂ 측정부 GMP251 Vaisala (바이살라) CARBOCAP® 이산화탄소 측정부 GMP251은 생명 과학 인큐베이터, 냉장 보관 시설, 과일 및 채소 운송 및 퍼센트 레벨의 CO2 측정이 필요한...
Image Device Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers DL2000 The Vaisala DL2000 data logger uses highly calibrated temperature and humidity sensors to provide...