Punto de acceso inalámbrico VaiNet AP10

Punto de acceso inalámbrico VaiNet AP10

para conectar en red registradores de datos de la serie VaiNet RFL

El punto de acceso VaiNet AP10 es un dispositivo de hardware de red inalámbrica para la tecnología inalámbrica patentada basada en LoRa® de Vaisala: VaiNet. El AP10 puede conectar hasta 32 registradores inalámbricos de datos VaiNet (RFL100 de temperatura y humedad RFL100 de solo temperatura)al software viewLinc Enterprise Server de Vaisala, versión 5.X y posteriores o el monitoreo de humedad y temperatura en línea Jade Smart Cloud de Vaisala.

VaiNet Connection to Jade or viewLinc Monitoring System


  • Un AP10 admite hasta 32 registradores de datos VaiNet
  • Funciona con alimentación por Ethernet o un adaptador de CC
  • Requiere una infraestructura mínima y no se necesitan amplificadores de señal
  • Con comunicación y cifrado HTTPS para garantizar una transmisión de datos segura
  • La modulación inalámbrica Chirp Spread Spectrum es resistente al desvanecimiento multitrayecto
  • Firewall seguro e integridad de datos

Beneficios clave

Longer range in complex environments

VaiNet communicates outside of more heavily trafficked 2.4 GHz bands, making the signal less vulnerable to interference. Additionally, VaiNet's low frequency signal means much longer range and better penetration in complex, obstructed environments like warehouses; at least 100 meters.

Reliable connectivity

Once accepted in viewLinc, VaiNet data loggers stay synchronized, even in situations where other nearby VaiNet networks overlap. Redundancy is achieved through load distribution between VaiNet access points, which share multiple loggers in range.

Data integrity ensured

VaiNet AP10 access points transfer data from the data loggers to viewLinc Enterprise Server. Both the access point and the software verify that the data is received correctly. Once the data is verified, it is stored to viewLinc's secure database and protected from tampering and loss.

Historias de clientes

Customer case

Vaisala supports the Sorbonne in environmental research on pesticides

"Thanks to Vaisala’s equipment, we have been able to produce a detailed set of measurements for our 15 experimental breeding chambers," says David Siaussat. 

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Caso de cliente

Aidian implementó sin problemas el sistema viewLinc de Vaisala en sus instalaciones de producción en Espoo, Finlandia

Las materias primas y los productos utilizados para el diagnóstico tienen temperaturas de almacenamiento muy específicas.
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Caso de cliente

El monitoreo de ensayos clínicos se vuelve móvil para ayudar con COVID-19

En junio de 2020, un fabricante de medicamentos con sede en EE. UU., inició un proyecto innovador para realizar ensayos clínicos sobre posibles tratamientos para pacientes ancianos con COVID-19. 

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Customer case

No need to check monitoring points manually...

Project Manager Mats Andersson was responsible for the selection and installation project of the system for AstraZeneca: “We made a careful evaluation of various systems. Vaisala was one of the candidates, as we had a long experience with their monitoring instruments.

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Customer case

Monitoring medical assets in the Finnish Red Cross Logistics Centre

The Finnish Red Cross Logistics Centre in Tampere stores life-saving medical supplies that can be delivered to the scenes of catastrophes. 

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Customer case

Continuous monitoring during category 5 hurricane safeguards Teva Pharmaceuticals

After evaluating all three systems, they chose the Vaisala viewLinc monitoring system. Johnson recalls there were three key reasons for the selection: data integrity, browser-based monitoring, and fast, easy reports.

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