Summer Data Centre End User / Buyer / Specifier Networking Event London United Kingdom Buildings and Indoor Air Quality Jul 1, 2025 - Jul 1, 2025 DATACENTRE.ME (DCME) end user / buyer / specifier events are extremely unique because, unlike some of the large exhibitions & conferences, our events are boutique, personable affairs that encourage & nurture the relationship-building aspect of business as opposed to a “hard sell”.Come and meet our expert!Read more on DATACENTRE.ME (DCME) You might want to have a look at this on demand webinar: Data center innovation: How to design a modular high-quality sensor solutionOr read this expert article Data Center Innovation – how measurement accuracy enables energy efficiency
Data centers are the brains of almost any company whose success depends on efficient and reliable software operations. As there is quite a bit of powerful hardware sitting in one place, data centers must be safeguarded against both external and internal environmental influences, while the buildings also require sufficient cooling. Data centers are energy-intensive facilities, currently consuming more than 1.3% of the world's total electricity production. This energy is transformed into heat that has to be conveyed and dissipated away from the equipment racks in order to maintain the correct operating temperature. It's also important to monitor the server room temperature to keep it at an optimal level. Cooling and air conditioning is one of the most important processes in any data center. Data center cooling can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the location and the local climate.Download application note on 'How to keep data centers cool'. Refrigerant cooling consumes a lot of energy, but its usage can be reduced by taking the climate into consideration when choosing the location for the data center. In dry climates evaporative cooling is effective at dissipating heat. In cold climates direct cooling with dry, cold air can be used. Locations near water offer the possibility to dissipate the heat into the water. Monitoring temperature and humidity Temperature is monitored and controlled using a Computer Room Air Conditioner unit (CRAC), which performs both heating and cooling functions (though not simultaneously). For heating, the CRAC recirculates warm air from the hot aisles with cool make-up air; for cooling, incoming air is chilled to achieve the correct temperature. In addition to temperature, monitoring and controlling humidity in the equipment room is also critical. Especially in cool climates where air-side economizers are used, the absolute water content of the air is naturally low. The relative humidity of air decreases when it is heated, meaning that it may fall below the desired level. Air that is too dry increases the risk of static electricity and requires additional humidification by means of spray or evaporative humidifiers. Benefits of accurate and reliable monitoring and measurements Critical environments require high-performance environmental monitoring and measurements in order to operate consistently and within specifications. As data centers are expected to run 24/7 all year round, failures are not an option. In addition, even small measurement errors can increase the energy bill significantly. Vaisala offers the widest selection of measurement devices, data loggers, and monitoring systems for use in data center facility management to monitor temperature, relative humidity, CO2, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature, enthalpy, and weather parameters. The instruments include industrial grade and HVAC transmitters that are suitable for use in data centers. Vaisala HUMICAP® sensors are known for their accuracy, excellent long-term stability, and negligible hysteresis. You can get high-quality instruments that measure the conditions with high accuracy - devices with 0.1°C and 1%RH accuracy are readily available. For reliability, stability, and accuracy, Vaisala's high-quality measurement and monitoring devices are an investment that pays off in the long run, Learn more about our sensors suitable for use in data center humidity and temperature monitoring: Indigo520, HMDW110, HMT120/130, and HMW90 or contact us for more information.
A complete measurement solution from Vaisala Data centers need high-performance climate control to ensure that critical equipment and networks are kept up and running. Inadequate temperature and humidity control can lead to extensive – and expensive – equipment failure. When you need high-quality monitoring solutions for your data centers, contact Vaisala. Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMT120/130 The Vaisala HUMICAP® HMT120 and HMT130 transmitters are suitable for cleanrooms, museums, laboratories and data centers. Read more Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMW110 The wall-mounted high-accuracy transmitter HMW110 is designed to measure humidity and temperature in HVAC applications. Read more Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMD110 The duct-mounted high-accuracy transmitter HMD110 is designed to measure humidity and temperature in HVAC systems. Read more Immersion Temperature Transmitter TMI110 The high-accuracy immersion temperature transmitter TMI110 is designed for measuring cooling/heating water temperatures in HVAC automation systems. Read more Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMD60 The sturdy and reliable duct mounted Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity Transmitter Series HMD60 is designed for monitoring relative humidity in demanding HVAC and light industrial applications Read more Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT101 The PDT101 differential pressure transmitter is designed for demanding applications. There are dedicated models for critical and regulated environments with very low differential pressures, and unidirectional models for air handling systems. Read more Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110 The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110 is a trouble-free and cost-effective humidity transmitter with high accuracy and good stability. The power consumption is low and it has fast startup for battery-powered applications. Read more HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113 The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113 is a highly accurate and cost-effective humidity probe with a plastic enclosure. Read more Jade Smart Cloud Combining industrial-grade measurements with secure and reliable wireless monitoring, Vaisala Jade Smart Cloud brings new levels of proficiency and flexibility for professionals. Read more
Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMT120/130 The Vaisala HUMICAP® HMT120 and HMT130 transmitters are suitable for cleanrooms, museums, laboratories and data centers. Read more
Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMW110 The wall-mounted high-accuracy transmitter HMW110 is designed to measure humidity and temperature in HVAC applications. Read more
Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMD110 The duct-mounted high-accuracy transmitter HMD110 is designed to measure humidity and temperature in HVAC systems. Read more
Immersion Temperature Transmitter TMI110 The high-accuracy immersion temperature transmitter TMI110 is designed for measuring cooling/heating water temperatures in HVAC automation systems. Read more
Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMD60 The sturdy and reliable duct mounted Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity Transmitter Series HMD60 is designed for monitoring relative humidity in demanding HVAC and light industrial applications Read more
Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT101 The PDT101 differential pressure transmitter is designed for demanding applications. There are dedicated models for critical and regulated environments with very low differential pressures, and unidirectional models for air handling systems. Read more
Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110 The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110 is a trouble-free and cost-effective humidity transmitter with high accuracy and good stability. The power consumption is low and it has fast startup for battery-powered applications. Read more
HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113 The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113 is a highly accurate and cost-effective humidity probe with a plastic enclosure. Read more
Jade Smart Cloud Combining industrial-grade measurements with secure and reliable wireless monitoring, Vaisala Jade Smart Cloud brings new levels of proficiency and flexibility for professionals. Read more
Fill out the form to gain access link to the webinar.What is the importance of measurement accuracy to maximize energy efficiency in data centers? Join us in Vaisala webinar, where Michael Gantert from Munters and Anu Kätkä from Vaisala will discuss about the data center industry trends, energy efficiency possibilities and concrete examples on how to gain benefits with HVAC systems.Join us in a free 45-minute Vaisala webinar to learn: Trends in the Data Center industryEnergy efficiency from a broader perspective Impact of HVAC measurements on energy efficiencyHow to maintain accuracy over timeExamples with specific solutionsThis webinar is essential if you work with HVAC systems as an HVAC engineer, ventilation designer, building automation specialist, energy efficiency professional, facility manager, consultant and others involved with data centers, who wish to stay ahead in minimizing data center costs and risks.If you have already attended or registered for this webinar, please click here. Otherwise, please watch the recorded webinar by filling the form.While you’re at it, register below to these related webinars:How to measure outdoor humidity in HVAC applications — registerData centers going green - How much can precise HVAC measurements influence energy consumption of cooling systems? — registerFor more about how Vaisala can help to improve your HVAC system, visit » See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here