APWA North American Snow Conference

Snowplow clearing road
United States
Weather & Environment

Join Vaisala at the upcoming APWA North American Snow Conference in Grand Rapids, April 6-9. Meet our road weather experts at Vaisala Xweather booth #933 to learn about new ways of making roadways safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

Vaisala’s weather and environmental technologies enable unrivaled road network awareness — keeping roadways safe and efficient in any season. Our solutions are informed by our 90 years of innovating and have made us the gold standard for precision and reliability. Our holistic approach provides customers with end-to-end simplicity, valuable partnership, and a comprehensive portfolio of solutions that are constantly evolving.

Find out more about the conference and register: 
APWA North American Snow Conference 

From maintaining road assets in summer to ensuring safe winter roads, road maintenance has challenges in every season.

More information: Winter Road Maintenance

Make safe, data-driven decisions and manage resources more effectively with fast, accurate weather and surface condition observations during snow and ice events.


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Vaisala GroundCast

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