Download Vaisala eGuide for spot-checking and calibration

Get the best out of the handheld devices

The purpose of this eGuide is to help to you determine when spot-checking and on-site calibration performed with handheld devices truly are beneficial, and what to consider to make the most out of the procedures. 

In the guide, you'll find

  • the rationale behind calibration
  • the factors that affect the need to calibrate

The guide also provides some specific information on calibration and spot-checking of

  • relative humidity
  • temperature
  • carbon dioxide
  • dew point temperature
  • hydrogen peroxide vapor
  • moisture in oil

The intent of this eGuide is to help the readers and their organizations determine the most appropriate activities that ensure the quality of their measurements. We hope this book provides you with a framework that helps you improve spot-checking and calibration activities.  

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