Use Cases




The best global weather API for business

Precision weather data from an array of endpoints and advanced datasets — all through one seamless integration.






Join us: Live Xweather Developer Q&A

Love our API? Take some time to learn about its complementary visual tool, Xweather Raster Maps. Raster maps allow users to visualize robust data from both public and proprietary sources and weather station networks. Don't miss this opportunity to submit your questions on our raster maps to the Xweather Developer Team for this live Q&A session.

Meet our industry-leading weather API

Our RESTful weather API meets the demands of developers, product managers, and data scientists across the globe. With over 40 endpoints to leverage, there's no limit on ways to integrate weather into your solutions.

Historical weather API

Query our historical weather database for interpolated conditions at any point on the planet going back to 2011.

Real-time weather conditions

Current observations and conditions are available near real-time for any location.

Global weather forecasting

Global forecasts for numerous parameters are available for up to 15 days, with precipitation forecasts available for the next 60 minutes.

Robust developer support

Industry-leading documentation, SDKs and toolkits, and world-class technical support. By developers, for developers has been our mindset since day one.

Advanced geospatial queries

Leverage advanced geospatial and location search capabilities and our GeoJSON output to build weather data-enriched visualizations.

Step-by-step wizards

Your weather data and mapping quick-start assistant, no matter your coding experience.

Webhooks and pushed data

For the most time-sensitive or data-laden operations, webhooks and push data — powered by the very same robust weather API developers and experts know and trust — are the most common solution we recommend. Contact our sales engineers to build the best package for your needs.

What Xweather API endpoints are compatible with webhooks?

Glad you asked. Just about all our endpoints are compatible — but some of the most common are alerts, earthquakes, fires, lightning, and tropical cyclones.

More on webhooks

API resources


Get started: Trials + pricing

Access to the Xweather API starts with an Xweather Flex subscription, our convenient weather API and raster mapping bundle. Get the data you need, when you need it, with access to quick-built, high-resolution weather visuals.

Start your free 30-day trial, build your Xweather Flex subscription, or contact us to learn more.