ITS France

Weather & Environment

Meet Vaisala at ITS France 2020 to discuss the detection of road surface cracks and damages with our RoadAI tool using Artificial Intelligence.

Prenez rendez-vous au salon ITS France 2020 pour discuter de notre solution d’auscultation des chaussées, détection de signalisation verticale et horizontale, grâce à notre outil RoadAI et l’Intelligence Artificielle.

Vous serez surpris de ce que nous pouvons réaliser ensemble.

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48.856614, 2.3522219

Florence Girardeau

Sales Manager

Florence has been working on the road and rail matters over the last decade. She loves solving problems and facilitating everyone’s job. Currently based in our offices at Montigny-le-Bretonneux Florence is responsible for the account management and sales within the BENELUX, France and Iberian regions. She has extensive experience within Vaisala, having been an employee within the company for 15 years. Her responsibilites and specialisations include road and rail meteorology for cities, counties, highways, toll road operators, previsionists, DIR's etc. Her impressive portfolio and expertise enables her to comprehensively advise existing as well as new clients to quickly find solutions that are best adapted to their needs. As a representative of Vaisala she searches to go exceed expectations and always deliver quality from start to finish.

Weather for Automotive Infotainment

From promoting safety with road condition insights to elevating the in-car user experience, Vaisala’s weather and road weather data supports the many uses of automotive infotainment technology.

ADAS AD Dashboard

Road Weather for ADAS & AD

Vaisala road weather services provides precision forecasting and road condition insights for advanced driving technology.

Vaisala Mobile Detector MD30

Accurately collect and transmit data on road surface state, grip, and surface temperature.